The course objectives are to provide trainees with fundamental knowledge on impact evaluation of projects, programs, and policies related to the development field. There will be specific examples from cases of program/project impact evaluations in Vietnam, such as Impact of Progarm 135 – Phase II, Impact of Microfinance program, and Impact of Water and Sanitation Aid programs. The course will help trainees gain insights into the following topics:
- Basic econometrics knowledge
- A counterfactual Setting and the Self- Selection Problem
- Randomization of Control and Treatment
- Estimating the ATE and ATT
The course is open to all people who have basic statistics knowledge and who are working with the survey data sets possess experience with development projects and programs. The course is relevant for graduate students and researchers from universities, research institutes, and ministries.
Gertler, P. J., Martinez, S., Premand, P., Rawlings, L. B., Vermeersch, C. M. J., 2011, Impact Evaluation in Practice, The World Bank.
Course prerequisites
- Basic statistics
- Basic mathematics