Report Launch: Multidimensional Inequality in Vietnam

On November 5, MDRI in collaboration with Oxfam Vietnam has successfully organized the launching workshop on “Multidimensional Inequality Framework (MIF) in Vietnam”. The workshop was attended by more than 50 participants from government agencies, international and domestic organizations, media press, universities, and research institutes. The panel discussion about inequalities in different aspects received much attention and enthusiasm from all of the guests thanks to our group of experts with specializations on gender studies, enthnic studies, climate change and economics-employment.


MDRI highly appreciates every sharing, feedback and comment of participants which greatly contributes to the improvement of inequality analysis and implementation of MIF in Vietnam. It is with sincere hope that our research report – the first attempt to examine inequality from a multidimensional perspective in Vietnam would receive your recognition and support. Please feel free to share the findings from our research to anyone who might be interested.

Materials from our workshop can be accessed at.