On July 25th, the Director of Mekong Development Research Institute (MDRI) has attended the Conference of ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute on Inequality and Exclusion in Southeast Asia. This conference presents eight Southeast Asian country cases. Each study provides an overview of inequality in income, wealth and opportunity, a discussion of salient features of inequality and exclusion, and a deeper dive into a country-specific issue. Drawing on the analysis of inequality patterns and underlying factors, the studies conclude by outlining policy implications and challenges.
Attending the conference, MDRI has presented information and results of the paper “Trends and Drivers of Inequality in Vietnam”. The paper provides evidence on the trends and drivers of inequality in Vietnam using Vietnam Household Living Standard Surveys. It is found that inequality, regardless of the choice of living standard, has been stable in Vietnam. Inequality in income or expenditure is remarkably lower than inequality in assets. The analysis shows that inequality tends to be higher in provinces with higher initial income and poverty. This implies that high-income people are more likely to benefit from economic growth, especially in better-off provinces.
Detailed information about the conference you can download here.