MDRI’s 2015 Year in Review

For MDRI and our networks of partners and collaborators, 2015 has been a fruitful year with plenty of amazing stories and experiences: We went up the mountains for the Impact Assessment of Central Highlands Poverty Reduction Project and climbed down the deep forests for socio-economic survey for Emission Reduction-Program (ER-P) Provinces area. We worked with coffee growers for Sustainable Coffee Development Policy and observed the hazardous chemical handling for Firm Participation and Regulatory Compliance project. We consulted the city dwellers for National Opinion Survey and asked people with disabilities about their experiences with the Disabilities Programming. We not only worked with primary children on the VNEN project, but also college students for the Vocational Education Training Financing Studies.

MDRI’s 2015 Year in Review

7 Main Themes

Education, Environment, Water and Sanitation, Impact evaluation, Governance, Social Issues, Sector Development.

16 Projects

  1. Analysis of the Baseline Survey Data Supporting the Impact Assessment of Central Highlands Poverty Reduction Project
  2. Community Hygiene Output-Based Aid in Vietnam
  3. Design Activity of Impact Evaluation for Cao Lãnh Bridge Project
  4. Evaluation of the Long-Term Development Cooperation between the UK and Vietnam
  5. Firm Participation and Regulatory Compliance: A Randomized Control Trial
  6. Impact Assessment of Irish Aid Funded Infrastructure Projects Under Programme 135 in 2011& 2012, and Development of a Monitoring Framework for Infrastructure Projects in 2013-2015
  7. Independent Impact for the Second and Third Years of Vietnam Escuela Nueva Project (GPE-VNEN)
  8. National Millennium Development Goals Reports 2015
  9. National Opinion Survey
  10. Policy recommendations for Sustainable Coffee Development
  11. Quantitative socio-economic survey for Emission Reduction-Program (ER-P) Provinces area
  12. Rural Piped Water Connection Project – Time Preference Elicitation Experiment
  13. Survey of Beneficiaries of USAID Disabilities Programming
  14. Survey on Household Business and Informal Sector in Vietnam (HBIS)
  15. Vietnam Household Registration System Survey and Analysis
  16. Vocational Education Training Financing/Cost Norm Studies

14 Publications and Reports


  1. Nguyen Viet Cuong, Daniel Westbrook and Phung Duc Tung. “Do the Poorest Ethnic Minorities Benefit from a Large-Scale Poverty
  2. Reduction Program? Evidence from Vietnam’. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 56 (2015) 3–14.
  3. Acuna-Alfaro Jairo, Nguyen Viet Cuong, Anh Ngoc Tran, Tung Duc Phung. “The Urban-Rural Gap in Governance and Public Administration: Evidence from Vietnam.” The International Public Management Review, 16(1), 165-191.
  4. Nguyen Viet Cuong.“The Impact of Trade Facilitation on Poverty and Inequality in Low and Middle Income Countries”. The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 24(3), 315–340.
  5. Nguyen, Viet Cuong, Mohamed Arouri and Adel Ben Youssef. “Natural Disasters, Household Welfare and Resilience: Evidence from Rural Vietnam.” World Development, 70(C), 59-77
  6. Giang Thanh Long, Nguyen Viet Cuong, Vu Thieu, and Vu Van Huong. “Does Firm Privatization Benefit Local Households? The Case of Vietnam.” Post-Communist Economies, Vol. 27, No. 4, 547–565.
  7. Nguyen Viet Cuong and Vu Hoang Linh. “Should Parents Work Far or Close to Home? The Effect of Parental Temporary Absence on Poverty and Welfare of Children in Vietnam”. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities. DOI:10.1080/19452829.2015.1103711


  1. Country Report—15 Years Achieving the Vietnam Millennium Development Goals
  2. Household Registration in Vietnam Analysis Report
  3. Recommendation for and Effective Financial Model—Program’s Cost Norms Study
  4. National Opinion Survey
  5. Analysis of the Baseline Survey Data Supporting the Impact Assessment of Central Highlands Poverty Reduction Project
  6. Policies for Sustainable Coffee Development
  7. Evaluation of the Long-Term Development Cooperation between the UK and Vietnam

600 Enumerators

Until this very last moments of 2015, many of our enumerators are still out in the field working with smiles despite all the hardships; and our researchers are also working closely with the teachers to mark 11,000 VNEN assessment tests. We have closed the last working days of 2015 on a very positive note!

In 2016, we would like to wish all of you a year full of exciting opportunities, exhilarating experiences and unforgettable memories! Thank you for always supporting us on this meaningful journey of imparting knowledge and inspiration.

Happy new year!