AgResults Emissions Reduction Field Survey in Vietnam


MDRI is collaborating with DFID & Abt Associates to conduct a survey of 2000 Thai Binh rice farmers and evaluate AgResults’ prize competition initiative in Vietnam. AgResults is a multinational initiative that promotes agricultural innovations from the private sectors by designing and organizing “pay-for-results” prize competitions. In Vietnam, AgResults’ goal is to encourage the development and adoption of low-emissions rice technology, also through a two-phased prize-competition.

The primary objective of this research is to collect data to understand the impact and effectiveness of AgResults’ initiative in Thai Binh province. The resulting information will enable DFID & Abt Associates to build evidence, evaluate, and improve on its AgResults initiative moving forward.

Main tasks:

Project planning and management;
Review and pilot the questionnaire;
Finalize the questionnaire, instructions and programming on the tablet;
Recruit and train enumerators, composing training guide/field manual;
Data collection & quality control;
Clean & submit datasets for the spring crop survey and the summer crop survey;
Produce & submit survey documentation and final survey reports for 2 crop surveys.


July 2020 – January 2021