Improving Diets in Schools in Vietnam: Testing Innovative Methods of Influencing Demand


The project “Improving Diets in Schools in Vietnam”, funded by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), is part of the CGIAR’s Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH) research program under the flagship “Food Systems for Healthier Diets”. Its goal is to test if school- based educational activities can actually increase children’s and their parents’ consumption of healthy foods.

In April-May 2019,IFPRI and the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) co-operate to implement an intervention in 12 primary schools in Dong Anh district to promote students’ nutritional knowledge and FAV (fruits and vegetables) consumption. The intervention includes three types of activities: nutrition information communication for students; provision of healthy snacks; and child-parent communication about healthier diets. To provide IFPRI with data to assess the effects of their intervention, MDRI will carry out a baseline- endline survey to collect data before and after the intervention on: knowledge and attitude towards FAV consumptions of primary school students in Dong Anh and their parents; students’ FAV consumptions at school and at home, as well as their parents’ FAV consumptions; parents’ feedback on school meals.

MDRI’s Tasks:

Design survey plan and conduct quantitative interviews to collect baseline- endline data on knowledge and attitude towards FAV (fruits and vegetables) consumptions of 2520 primary school students in Dong Anh and their parents;
Design tools and carry out lunch and snack time observation to collect baseline- endline data on students’ FAV consumptions at school and at home, as well as their parents’ FAV consumptions;
Create a platform to receive parents’ feedback on school meals and provide the data to the schools;
Clean baseline- endline dataset;
Write field reports.


February – May 2019