In-depth Reviews of SDGs 1, 2, 3, 4


The project aims to support the preparation of the Voluntary National Review of the Government of Vietnam. The objectives of the project is to conduct in-depth reviews on the respective group of SDGs as stated above, with a focus on means of implementation, policy gaps, integration of respective groups of SDGs, together with the progress, issues/challenges. This will serve as a basis for the preparation of Vietnam’s presentation on VNR at 2018 HLPF and its first country SDG report.

Main Tasks:

Screen and review relevant background documents relating to the SDG and VSDG, which include but not limited to UNDP and VSDG documents, UN and GSO research papers, reports and research papers by related ministries, international and national organization, further policy documents where relevant, such as: National socio-economic development strategy, plan and action plan, and sectoral development strategies and master plans;
Closely coordinate with VA21, GSO, ministries focal points for the development of Ministerial Action Plans, focal points in ministerial statistics, and other stakeholders related to SDGs in the process of conducting the in-depth reviews;
Formulate a detailed outline for each of the SDG assigned;
Review and analyze groups of SDGs focusing on means of implementation, policy gaps, integration of SDG, beside the progress, issues/challenges;
Write the report in Vietnamese and summarize in English, reflecting the in-depth reviews results;
Prepare and deliver a presentation on the in-depth reviews and results in a consultation workshop.


11/2017 – 01/2018