Research for Climate-Smart Agriculture in Vietnam: Climate Change Response Modeling and Application


The Mekong Delta River is home to the most abundant biodiversity systems in Vietnam, thus becoming the vital hub for agriculture and aquaculture production in the country. However, this region is also considered as one of parts in Southeast Asia most threatened by climate change. The acceleration of climate change, therefore, exacerbates the level of vulnerability among smallholder farmers and jeopadizes their livelihood in agriculture.

The risks incurred from climate change highlights the importance of climate-based forecasts that take into account several factors, including level of precipitation, pest management, adjusted planting calendar and climate change adaptation measures. In this context, the project “DeRISK Southeast Asia” was implemented in Mekong Delta region, of which Tien Giang was chosen as one of three pilot provinces, with the aim to develop a consulting system for agricultural practices. Under the scope of this project, a KOICA-funded research for “Climate-Smart Agriculture in Vietnam: Climate Change Response Modeling and Application” was carried out with 420 farming households in five project districts in Tien Giang to explore the factors of farmers’ decision-making in agriculture in response to climate change, as well as the impacts of climate change adaptation measures on their quality of life.

Main tasks:

  • Provide inputs to finalize the questionnaire and translate the questionnaire into Vietnamese
  • Recruit and provide training to enumerators, compose the training manual
  • Program the data collection tool into the tablets
  • Conduct the interview with 420 farming households in Tien Giang province
  • Perform data cleaning and quality control
  • Submit the final datasets in STATA format
  • Produce and submit final survey report
  • Co-prepare a draft working paper
  • Organize a workshop to disseminate the research’s findings.


08/2022 – 02/2023