Impact evaluation of poverty reduction policies and programs in Ho Chi Minh City 2013


This assignment evaluated poverty reduction policies and programmes carried out by the Ho Chi Minh City Steering Committee in order to provide a basis for updating, revising, and finalizing the Poverty Reduction Strategy of the city.

With impressive economic growth and rigorous poverty reduction policy implementation, Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) has succeeded in eradicating poverty in the city according to the Government’s established poverty line. The city is on its way to reaching the goal set by the Poverty Reduction Project for the 2009-2013 period. HCMC People’s Committee and UNDP have made strong policy endeavours to incorporate multi-dimensional aspects in the poverty reduction effort. MDRI is currently assisting the Board of Poverty Reduction Project in HCMC in evaluating the impact of the Project for the period 2009-2013.

In preparation for Poverty Reduction and Increase Better-off Household Program Phase 4, Ho Chi Minh City is reviewing its achievements and limitations in the Phase 3 period to better improve its implementation plan and policy support mechanism. The main purpose of MDRI’s research is to assess the impact of five policy groups on poverty reduction results. These five policy groups include (i) Housing support, (ii) Education, (iii) Healthcare, (iv) Credit, and (v) Vocational training and job creation. The research will focus on 4 aspects of each policy group including:

  • Access to poverty support policies/programs of poor households, especially migrants and laborers in informal sector.
  • Impact of support policies/programs on poor/near poor households.
  • Challenges in implementing support policies/programs to poor/near poor households.
  • Suggestions to enhance the impact of support policies/programs.

The research was carried out by both quantitative surveys (in 1,000 poor and near-poor households living in HCMC) and qualitative interviews (in 20 implementing agencies).