Integrated Early Childhood Development (IECD) Programme belongs to the National Cooperation Programme between Vietnam and UNICEF during the year 2017 – 2021. IECD refers to a comprehensive care and development approach for children from 0-8 years of age. It enables families to access multiple services for their young children and themselves in a cohesive way. The integration of the services seeks to maximize the impact of different early childhood disciplines with a clear focus on the child, within the context of their family and community. IECD is a shared responsibility of parents/caregivers, families and service providers from various sectors of health, nutrition, education, child protection, and water, environmental sanitation and hygiene. International research shows that cognitive ability is markedly affected by childhood circumstances, right from the point of conception. Children who experience good nutrition, stimulation and supportive and secure environments are most likely to reach their full potential.
In which, the Programme is implemented at 27 disadvantaged communes, in 9 districts, in 3 provinces, namely Kon Tom, Gia Lai and Dien Bien. It is estimated that about 35 000 children aged 0-8 years old and 25 000 parents and caregivers will benefit from the Programme.
Main Tasks:
Design sampling procedures and sample frames for the survey
Design the surveys (households, education and health service providers in local areas): Develop the questionnaires, prepare the manuals and train enumerators.
Pilot the data collection tools
Design and implement qualitative tools including Key Informant Interviews and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with different beneficiary groups in project locations.
Collect data quantitatively and qualitatively through fieldwork.
Build the database: Supervise the data entry and cleaning, to ensure the data availability for the analysis.
Desk review of relevant documents about the IECD Programme
Produce a baseline assessment report.
Develop an M& E framework based on the data collected and the baseline analysis.