Vietnam Escuela Nueva Project (VNEN) – Independent impact evaluation for the first year


VNEN is a large education project funded by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and carried out nationwide by the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam (MOET), with support from the World Bank (WB). The goal of the GPE – VNEN project is to overcome difficulties in building independent and creative thinking for children, especially the disadvantaged and ethnic minorities. Teaching and learning methodology in the VNEN schools is placing the student at the center of the classroom instead of the traditional custom where the teacher is at the center. The methodology applied in the GPE – VNEN also emphasizes the importance of community participation, as well as the role of parents in primary education. This fundamental reform is capable of comprehensively changing the teaching and learning system in primary and secondary schools, and might be extended to the whole nation if proved to be successful. It will serve as a useful lesson for the GOV for extensive teaching and learning reform in the next 10 to 15 years. Additionally, success of the model in Vietnam will be an exemplary lesson for other nations.


09/2013 – 10/2014