UNICEF Vietnam’s country program 2017-2021 is designed to, among others, strengthen the enabling legal and policy environment for integrated early childhood development (IECD) at the national level and strengthen the local capacities to develop IECD model to be implemented in selected districts and communes of three provinces, namely Gia Lai, Kon Tum and Dien Bien. A comprehensive list of essential ECD services that includes health, nutrition, WASH, education and child protection interventions, have been holistically delivered to the targeted parents/caregivers in all project locations using the four main platforms: (i) commune health centers; (ii) local preschools; (iii) community-based IECD clubs; and (iv) individual households.
The long-term objective of the program is that “By 2021, all targeted children (0-8 years old) and their family members, especially those of the most vulnerable groups in the target communes, utilize inclusive and quality IECD services to fulfil children’s rights to survival, development, education and protection.” The IECD model is expected to generate further evidence and policy options to scale-up IECD nationally. At the end of the program cycle, a survey and evaluation are required to:
- Capture the status of the IECD program indicators in a quantitative manner which will also capture effects of COVID-19 pandemic in project provinces
- Evaluate the program effectiveness, efficiency, scalability and sustainability
- Provide the lessons learnt for the central and local governments in replication and scale-up of the model at a national scale
Main tasks:
- Desk review of key relevant documents and understanding the IECD program design and contextual framework of Viet Nam relevant to ECD and the implementation status
- Review the existence of certain number of IECD supportive policies and coordination
and collaboration/integration between sectors - Develop survey methodology, including sampling procedures and questionnaires
- Develop qualitative methodology
- Conduct fieldwork and analyze the extent of the program achievement in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, scalability and sustainability using findings from the survey and qualitative findings
- Make recommendations for program improvement
- Produce an evaluation report