Cao Lanh Bridge Project is the single biggest Australian aid activity in mainland Southeast Asia and a flagship of the Australian development cooperation program in Vietnam. Australia has committed AUD160 million to co-finance the civil works and the detailed design and construction supervision activities. Cao Lanh bridge is part of the Central Mekong Connectivity Project, which is expected to benefit approximately 170,000 road users daily and improve the living standards of about 5 million residents of An Giang, Can Tho, and Dong Thap provinces.
The Peer Review in 2013 recommended that the project develop a robust analytical framework for assessing its impacts. Such a framework would need to identify anticipated direct and indirect impacts and transmission channels to project outcomes and impacts. MDRI’s Impact Evaluation Design is to meet this purpose. Our team is entrusted to conduct field work, design activities, and provide the final package in agreement with the International Team Leader.